Envisioned as immersive display of tradition and innovation, Gameng: Edupasyalan sa Amianan shall soon be featured as one of the key IP indigenous knowledge systems and practices (IKSPs) experiences at PNU North Luzon.
In the creation of the masterplan for project Gameng, delegates to the strategic planning developed the vision, mission, objectives as well as short to long term planned activities designed to be integrated in the projected Indigenous Innovation Hub (IIH) and IP village.
Helping the PNUNL team for the masterplan were the team of facilitators from UPLB led by Prof. Gian Carlo de Jesus, faculty of the Department of Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship (DAME) and Chief Playmaker at Balaiwari Immersive and Gamified Experience. Together with him are Prof. Cris Edwin B. Bonales, Faculty of DAME and Dr. Ana Katrina U. de Jesus, Faculty of Department of Humanities.