With the goal of educating the participants on the imperative of proper registration of creative works and ideas, the Philippine Normal University North Luzon (PNUNL) conducted ‘From Brain to Brand: A Seminar-Workshop on Intellectual Property Registration yesterday, February 22 at Innovation Hub Building, Multi-purpose Hall.

The said event was spearheaded by Dr. Roldan S. Cardona, the Associate Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies and Teacher Ed Research in IPEd, to legally protect original creations of the mind, establish ownership, and obtain exclusive rights for commercial purposes.

Meantime, Dr. Eva U. Cammayo, Dean of CBAPA, Isabela State University-Echague and the Project Leader of Intellectual Property and Technology Business Management (IP-TBM) graced the event as the resource speaker.

The students, researchers, and faculty members from the Philippine Normal University North Luzon attended the seminar-workshop and learned about the intellectual property registration and the need of safeguarding their creative creations.

The event concluded with high anticipation on creative pursuits towards contribution of advancements and innovations.