The Campus Registrar Unit (CRU) is tasked to ensure that PNU’s academic policies are implemented. It is responsible for preserving the academic integrity, safeguarding the security of academic records and effectively provides accessible academic services to the faculty members, students, alumni, and the PNU Management. It serves the faculty members and students through scheduling, registration, record-keeping and reporting as well as assisting the deans and other administrative offices in providing their own services. It further supports the administration in the academic policy formulation being the principal office to provide the necessary reports and analysis required for this task.

CRU has the following functions:

  1. Ensures adherence to the implementation of the PNU’s academic policies on academic records and credentials and regularly update the PNU Management on such matters;
  2. Safeguards the integrity of the Campus’ academic records and credentials;
  3. Manages the Campus’ enrollment system in coordination with relevant units and initiate improvement of the system for more effective and efficient service;
  4. Prepares the Campus’ class schedules, list of graduating students, list of honor students, data management of student records, and others;
  5. Ensure the provision of effective and efficient services to the faculty members, students, and alumni such as, but not limited to, scheduling, registration, record- keeping, and reporting of academic records and credentials, as well as assisting the Campus Officials in their requirements; and
  6. Provides the necessary reports and analysis for academic policy formation and monitoring of institutional performance

Office Contact Person and Information:

Campus Registrar
Email Address: [email protected]
Facebook Page: Pnu NL Registrar